“The Catalysis Inc. group has clearly developed an effective formula for success which I believe provides extreme value to our employees.”
“This is the best training course I have ever taken. There was never a time when I was bored or unengaged. Thank you so much for giving me this experience, and I do believe it will help me tremendously in starting my career.”
“I was skeptical that the course needed to be 2.5 days long, as I have been on a number of courses where a little content was stretched a long way. This course, however, was filled with useful content, discussion, examples, and anecdotes. The course was very enjoyable, mainly down to the facilitator who has great energy and humor; he really knows us as a company and his subject.”
“The facilitator was great at creating an interactive learning environment. The posting along the walls acted as a living mural which kept us engaged in the class. This class was a wonderful experience, and I recommend it for anyone!”
“This course came at the perfect time for me as I am working on these skills as my role expands. Most of the material in the course is essential. A special mention regarding the instructor, who was excellent, engaging, interesting, and really brought this material alive.”
“The scenarios were very realistic, which helps to apply them in the real world. The instructor demonstrated a lot of examples of methodologies to use rather than just presenting the methodology or framework from the “textbook”.”
“The facilitator had a great style of delivery and gave a strong sense of how the content, tools, and methods related to my role and to our company as a whole. The style of working through the delivery using flipcharts that were part populated and then completed though the various sections gave a great natural flow bringing the content to life. This made the delivery far more engaging that a death-by-PowerPoint delivery would have been.”
“The course timings were extremely efficient. Breaking up into 45-minute slots meant the instructor and the classmates had and gave optimum attention without being distracted by email, phone calls, or insufficient focus. Loved how each section was summarized afterwards, and the interaction amongst the class was extremely good.”
“The facilitators’ knowledge and presentation skills were amazing. The engaging role plays, the use of humor, and the great overall interaction made this a very informative and enjoyable course.”
“The instructor was able to continually link the examples back to accurate and relevant roles and scenarios due to his long-term and deep engagement with our company. He also kept the pace up and made the learning experience fun. One of the best facilitators I’ve worked with! Knowing that he is delivering other courses would make me prioritize attending them.”
“The facilitators’ examples really helped to bring to life the content, tools, and models. This made it very easy to link to the real challenges we face. Also, I can’t over-estimate the value we obtained from being able to share experiences with other attendees in an informal, face-to-face setting.”
“The instructor was just invaluable. The amount of energy portrayed through the class was amazing. Never a dull moment – he kept the momentum going with fun stories that were humorous and applicable. I looked forward to coming to class every day and look forward to applying more of these concepts on a day-to-day basis with customers and colleagues.”